SERRANI Esteban Carlos
capítulos de libros
Conclusions: Energy Transition Agenda for Sustainable Development in Latin America
Energy Transitions in Latin America. The Tough Route to Sustainable Development
Springer Nature
Año: 2023; p. 347 - 357
In the book Energy Transitions in Latin America: The Tough Route to Sustainable Development, we examined the opportunities and challenges of transitioning toward renewable sources. Latin America is a region that has significant potential for renewable energy generation due to its abun- dant natural resources, including hydroelectric, solar, and wind power, as well as minerals essen- tial for developing clean energy technologies, such as lithium. However, the energy transition in some countries of the region has been slow due to various factors such as political instability, economic challenges, and regulatory barriers. In addition, there is often a lack of political will to support renewable energy, as some governments prioritize traditional energy sources over renew- able energy. Some countries in Latin America have made progress in transitioning to renewable energy. For example, Uruguay has successfully shifted to renewable energy, with most of its elecricity generated from wind and solar power. Paraguay, Ecuador, and Costa Rica have done so, mainly based on hydroelectric power. Chile has also made significant progress in renewable energy, particularly solar power, which has helped to reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuels. In contrast, some countries in the region are still heavily dependent on fossil fuels, particularly oil and gas. For example, Venezuela and Mexico continue to rely on oil as a signifi- cant source of revenue and energy, despite the potential for renewable energy.Throughout this book, we aimed to thoroughly evaluate whether the energy transition policies and actions adopted by Latin American countries are promoting sustainable development while considering the intricate social relations pre- sented by the energy system and the region’s par- ticularities and challenges. In this book, we have analyzed the complex issues of energy transition, focusing on four key areas; below, we provide a detailed description.