GAMALLO Leandro Anibal
capítulos de libros
Dynamics of contention: Social movements and democracy in Argentina (1989-2919)
Latin American Social Movements and progressive governments: creative tensions between resistance and convergence
Rowman & Littlefield
Lugar: Londres; Año: 2022; p. 149 - 166
The following analysis of the evolution of social conflicts will address three fundamentals of collective action: the actors in contention, their demands, and their modes of struggle. These categories will be linked to the dynamics of political-institutional processes and, to a lesser extent, to different models of economic development. These three aspects will be viewed as independent but interrelated in such a way that drastic alterations in one area lead to changes in the others. Transformations in institutional policy and macroeconomic models will be considered as part of the fundamental context for the various historical struggles. My theoretical framework is based on the so-called emerging synthesis developed by McAdam, McCarthy, and Zald (1999) and taken up by McAdam, Tarrow, and Tilly (2005), thus including both empirical and theoretical contributions about resource mobilization, the structure of political opportunities, and framing. I will survey some of the research on transformations in the field of conflict using databases of contentious actions, in-depth interviews with social leaders, and ethnographies on social organizations, among other things.