BRACAMONTE angel guillermo
Ultraluminescent sub-wavelength nanoparticles base on Metal Enhanced Fluorescence and Enhanced Plasmonics
Bitácora Digital
Año: 2019 vol. 6
The Fluorescence as Analytical technique is highly sensitive based on the lineal relationship with the lamp voltage. For this reason it is one of the highest sensitive analytical techniques, but the emission depends of the structural chemistry and Quantum Yields. The Quantum Yields could be defined as the ratio of photons emitted and absorbed. By this manner it could be detected low concentration below nM. However even within these concentration intervals, in these conditions hundred of molecules per unit of volume at the Nano-scale are involucrated. For this reason, in order to enhance sensitivities, new analytical techniques and methodologies are in continuous development. In this field, where many disciplines converge, it could be mentioned the Metal Enhanced Fluorescence (MEF). This phenomenon was explained by different ways and it still being to be studied; but it is based on the excitation of a fluorophore by a High Energy Electromagnetic Field produced within the near Field of a Metallic surface accompanied with an enhanced emission and Fluorescence Lifetime Decay shortening. This High Electromagnetic Field produced by the electronic oscillation is named ?Plasmon? and it could vary depending of intrinsic properties of the nanomaterials, sizes and shapes. Moreover, these nanomaterials placed at the right distance produce interactions between Electromagnetic Fields that generate hot high intense regions between them that it could be applied for MEF as well. This phenomenon is known as Enhanced Plasmonics (EP). By this manner, if the molecules are placed at the right hot-spot it could be even excite more the Fluorescent reporters via MEF. In the present communication it will be exposed the development and applications of mentioned phenomena based on different approaches. At the same time it will be discussed recent proof of concepts and studies developed by us.