LOPEZ Laura Susana
Male reproductive strategies in two species of spider crabs, Leurocyclus tuberculosus and Libinia spinosa
Año: 2020
Reproductive strategies vary according to season length, individual reproductive traits, and factors associated with the social context such as density and sex ratio of the individuals. The social context predicts the intensity of sexual selection due to its effect on mate choice and intra-sexual competition. Moreover, it exacerbates the costs derived from sexual conflict and allows for the existence of alternative reproductive tactics to counteract such costs. However, these mechanisms are still underexplored in many animal taxa. Majoidea ?spider crabs? show a diversity of life history, and behavioral and morphological adaptations for reproduction, which have evolved as an outcome of competition to maximize reproductive success. We aimed to analyze in this study, male reproductive strategies through mating behavior under different social contexts, density of individuals, and males size differences in two species of ?spider crabs?, Leurocyclus tuberculosus and Libinia spinosa. The experiments were as follows: one female and one male per aquarium (Experiment 1); a female and three males of similar sizes per aquarium (Experiment 2); and a female and three males of distinct sizes per aquarium (Experiment 3). The experiments showed that mating behavior and duration of mate guarding differ between species and among different social contexts. The presence of males with similar or different sizes showed a relevant different behavior, the female copulated with more than one male when males were similar in size (E2), and copulated only with the largest male when males were different in size (E3). In mate guarding, the shape and the use of the chelipeds had an important role: the male of Leurocyclus tuberculosus grasped the female with the chelipeds and did not fight with other males, but the male of Libinia spinosa surrounded the female with the chelipeds and fought with other males. The longest duration of mate guarding was during precopulatory guarding. Precopulatory guarding was present in all the experiments and its duration did not present significant differences among the experiments. However, in both species, the experiments differ in the duration of postcopulatory guarding until spawning. Gonopod morphology revealed important differences between species and are probably associated with sperm competition. The experiments under distinct social contexts linked to the use and shape of the chelipeds and the morphology of the gonopods, could allow to understand the functional significance of the different reproductive strategies.