CALZETTA Esteban Adolfo
Bose-Einstein condensate collapse and dynamical squeezing of vacuum fluctuations
Lugar: Ridge; Año: 2003 vol. 68 p. 1 - 16
We analyze the phenomena of condensate collapse, as described by Donley et al. @Nature 412, 295 ~2001!#et al. @Nature 412, 295 ~2001!# and N. Claussen @Ph. D thesis, University of Colorado, 2003 ~unpublished!# by focusing on the behavior of excitations or fluctuations above the condensate, as driven by the dynamics of the condensate, rather than the dynamics of the condensate alone or the kinetics of the atoms. The dynamics of the condensate squeezes and amplifies the quantum excitations, mixing the positive and negative frequency components of their wave functions thereby creating particles that appear as bursts and jets. By analyzing the changing amplitude and particle content of these excitations, our simple physical picture explains well the overall features of the collapse phenomena and provides excellent quantitative fits with experimental data on several aspects, such as the scaling behavior of the collapse time and the number of particles in the jet. The prediction of the bursts at this level of approximation is less than satisfactory but may be improved by including the backreaction of the excitations on the condensate. The mechanism behind the dominant effect—parametric amplification of vacuum fluctuations and freezing of modes outside of horizon—is similar to that of cosmological particle creation and structure formation in a rapid quench ~which is fundamentally different from Hawking radiation in black holes!. This shows that Bose-Einstein condensate dynamics is a promising venue for doing ‘‘laboratory cosmology.’’ DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.68.043625 PACS number~s!: 03.75.Kk, 03.75.Gg@Ph. D thesis, University of Colorado, 2003 ~unpublished!# by focusing on the behavior of excitations or fluctuations above the condensate, as driven by the dynamics of the condensate, rather than the dynamics of the condensate alone or the kinetics of the atoms. The dynamics of the condensate squeezes and amplifies the quantum excitations, mixing the positive and negative frequency components of their wave functions thereby creating particles that appear as bursts and jets. By analyzing the changing amplitude and particle content of these excitations, our simple physical picture explains well the overall features of the collapse phenomena and provides excellent quantitative fits with experimental data on several aspects, such as the scaling behavior of the collapse time and the number of particles in the jet. The prediction of the bursts at this level of approximation is less than satisfactory but may be improved by including the backreaction of the excitations on the condensate. The mechanism behind the dominant effect—parametric amplification of vacuum fluctuations and freezing of modes outside of horizon—is similar to that of cosmological particle creation and structure formation in a rapid quench ~which is fundamentally different from Hawking radiation in black holes!. This shows that Bose-Einstein condensate dynamics is a promising venue for doing ‘‘laboratory cosmology.’’ DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.68.043625 PACS number~s!: 03.75.Kk, 03.75.Gg~which is fundamentally different from Hawking radiation in black holes!. This shows that Bose-Einstein condensate dynamics is a promising venue for doing ‘‘laboratory cosmology.’’ DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.68.043625 PACS number~s!: 03.75.Kk, 03.75.Gg!. This shows that Bose-Einstein condensate dynamics is a promising venue for doing ‘‘laboratory cosmology.’’ DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.68.043625 PACS number~s!: 03.75.Kk, 03.75.Gg~s!: 03.75.Kk, 03.75.Gg