Molecular Phylogeny of the Naupactus-Pantomorus complex based on morphological and molecular data (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Blackwell Publishing and The Willi Hennig Society.
Año: 2005 vol. 21 p. 131 - 142
The Pantomorus–Naupactus complex is a Neotropical group of broad-nosed weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) including several parthenogenetic species usually assigned to the genera Naupactus Dejean, Pantomorus Schoenherr, Asynonychus Crotch, Aramigus parthenogenetic species usually assigned to the genera Naupactus Dejean, Pantomorus Schoenherr, Asynonychus Crotch, Aramigus Pantomorus–Naupactus complex is a Neotropical group of broad-nosed weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) including several parthenogenetic species usually assigned to the genera Naupactus Dejean, Pantomorus Schoenherr, Asynonychus Crotch, AramigusNaupactus Dejean, Pantomorus Schoenherr, Asynonychus Crotch, Aramigus Horn, Eurymetopus Schoenherr and Graphognathus Buchanan. Sixteen species were studied to test hypotheses on the monophyly of these genera, and on the origin of the parthenogenetic lineages. A matrix of 30 morphological characters and 999 positions of the Cytochrome Oxidase I gene, was analyzed with separate partitions and simultaneously, under equal and implied weights, and with different transversion ⁄ transitions costs. The ILD test indicates that the incongruence between the molecular and morphological data is not significant. Under equal weights, the molecular data resulted in a single tree and morphology in 34 trees; under implied weights morphology gave a different tree, and under TV:TS ‡ 4:1 molecular and combined analyses resulted in the same optimal tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, is not significant. Under equal weights, the molecular data resulted in a single tree and morphology in 34 trees; under implied weights morphology gave a different tree, and under TV:TS ‡ 4:1 molecular and combined analyses resulted in the same optimal tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, these genera, and on the origin of the parthenogenetic lineages. A matrix of 30 morphological characters and 999 positions of the Cytochrome Oxidase I gene, was analyzed with separate partitions and simultaneously, under equal and implied weights, and with different transversion ⁄ transitions costs. The ILD test indicates that the incongruence between the molecular and morphological data is not significant. Under equal weights, the molecular data resulted in a single tree and morphology in 34 trees; under implied weights morphology gave a different tree, and under TV:TS ‡ 4:1 molecular and combined analyses resulted in the same optimal tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, is not significant. Under equal weights, the molecular data resulted in a single tree and morphology in 34 trees; under implied weights morphology gave a different tree, and under TV:TS ‡ 4:1 molecular and combined analyses resulted in the same optimal tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, Eurymetopus Schoenherr and Graphognathus Buchanan. Sixteen species were studied to test hypotheses on the monophyly of these genera, and on the origin of the parthenogenetic lineages. A matrix of 30 morphological characters and 999 positions of the Cytochrome Oxidase I gene, was analyzed with separate partitions and simultaneously, under equal and implied weights, and with different transversion ⁄ transitions costs. The ILD test indicates that the incongruence between the molecular and morphological data is not significant. Under equal weights, the molecular data resulted in a single tree and morphology in 34 trees; under implied weights morphology gave a different tree, and under TV:TS ‡ 4:1 molecular and combined analyses resulted in the same optimal tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, is not significant. Under equal weights, the molecular data resulted in a single tree and morphology in 34 trees; under implied weights morphology gave a different tree, and under TV:TS ‡ 4:1 molecular and combined analyses resulted in the same optimal tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, ⁄ transitions costs. The ILD test indicates that the incongruence between the molecular and morphological data is not significant. Under equal weights, the molecular data resulted in a single tree and morphology in 34 trees; under implied weights morphology gave a different tree, and under TV:TS ‡ 4:1 molecular and combined analyses resulted in the same optimal tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, ‡ 4:1 molecular and combined analyses resulted in the same optimal tree. According to the latter, Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera,Naupactus includes Graphognathus, and is thus paraphyletic and basal regarding remaining genera, Pantomorus is polyphyletic and includes Aramigus and Asynonychus, and Eurymetopus is monophyletic. The species in which apomictic parthenogenesis has been verified (Aramigus tessellatus, Asynonychus cervinus and Graphognathus lecuoloma), belong to different clades of the Pantomorus-Naupactus complex, with basal sexual relatives. different clades of the Pantomorus-Naupactus complex, with basal sexual relatives. apomictic parthenogenesis has been verified (Aramigus tessellatus, Asynonychus cervinus and Graphognathus lecuoloma), belong to different clades of the Pantomorus-Naupactus complex, with basal sexual relatives. different clades of the Pantomorus-Naupactus complex, with basal sexual relatives. is polyphyletic and includes Aramigus and Asynonychus, and Eurymetopus is monophyletic. The species in which apomictic parthenogenesis has been verified (Aramigus tessellatus, Asynonychus cervinus and Graphognathus lecuoloma), belong to different clades of the Pantomorus-Naupactus complex, with basal sexual relatives. different clades of the Pantomorus-Naupactus complex, with basal sexual relatives. Aramigus tessellatus, Asynonychus cervinus and Graphognathus lecuoloma), belong to different clades of the Pantomorus-Naupactus complex, with basal sexual relatives.Pantomorus-Naupactus complex, with basal sexual relatives.