CRESPO enrique Alberto
Cestodes from Hector's beaked whale (Mesoplodon hectori) and spectacled porpoise Phocoena dioptrica) from Argentinean waters
Año: 2010 vol. 96 p. 746 - 751
ABSTRACT: Single individuals of 2 little-known cetacean species, Mesoplodon hectori and Phocoena dioptrica, stranded and died on the coast of Argentina (Buenos Aires and Chubut provinces, respectively) and were studied for the presence of helminths. The cestodes found were described and illustrated using light microscopy. The following cestode taxa were recovered: Tetrabothrius (Tetrabothrius) coast of Argentina (Buenos Aires and Chubut provinces, respectively) and were studied for the presence of helminths. The cestodes found were described and illustrated using light microscopy. The following cestode taxa were recovered: Tetrabothrius (Tetrabothrius) coast of Argentina (Buenos Aires and Chubut provinces, respectively) and were studied for the presence of helminths. The cestodes found were described and illustrated using light microscopy. The following cestode taxa were recovered: Tetrabothrius (Tetrabothrius) coast of Argentina (Buenos Aires and Chubut provinces, respectively) and were studied for the presence of helminths. The cestodes found were described and illustrated using light microscopy. The following cestode taxa were recovered: Tetrabothrius (Tetrabothrius) : Single individuals of 2 little-known cetacean species, Mesoplodon hectori and Phocoena dioptrica, stranded and died on the coast of Argentina (Buenos Aires and Chubut provinces, respectively) and were studied for the presence of helminths. The cestodes found were described and illustrated using light microscopy. The following cestode taxa were recovered: Tetrabothrius (Tetrabothrius)Tetrabothrius (Tetrabothrius) coast of Argentina (Buenos Aires and Chubut provinces, respectively) and were studied for the presence of helminths. The cestodes found were described and illustrated using light microscopy. The following cestode taxa were recovered: Tetrabothrius (Tetrabothrius)Tetrabothrius (Tetrabothrius) coast of Argentina (Buenos Aires and Chubut provinces, respectively) and were studied for the presence of helminths. The cestodes found were described and illustrated using light microscopy. The following cestode taxa were recovered: Tetrabothrius (Tetrabothrius)Tetrabothrius (Tetrabothrius) hobergi n. sp. (several fragmented specimens, at least 1 gravid) and Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 (several fragmented immature specimens) from M. hectori, and Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 2 (single fragmented immature specimen) and 2 morphotypes of tetraphyllidean larvae from P. dioptrica. Tetrabothrius (T.) hobergi n. sp. can be distinguished from Tetrabothrius (T.) forsteri by the greater number of testes and larger eggs and oncospheres, from Tetrabothrius (T.) curilensis by the smaller testes and vitellarium, the shape and size of the ovary, and the larger oncospheres and longer embryonic hooks, and from Tetrabothrius (T.) sp. from Ziphius cavirostris by the narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius ovary, and the larger oncospheres and longer embryonic hooks, and from Tetrabothrius (T.) sp. from Ziphius cavirostris by the narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius and larger eggs and oncospheres, from Tetrabothrius (T.) curilensis by the smaller testes and vitellarium, the shape and size of the ovary, and the larger oncospheres and longer embryonic hooks, and from Tetrabothrius (T.) sp. from Ziphius cavirostris by the narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius ovary, and the larger oncospheres and longer embryonic hooks, and from Tetrabothrius (T.) sp. from Ziphius cavirostris by the narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius from P. dioptrica. Tetrabothrius (T.) hobergi n. sp. can be distinguished from Tetrabothrius (T.) forsteri by the greater number of testes and larger eggs and oncospheres, from Tetrabothrius (T.) curilensis by the smaller testes and vitellarium, the shape and size of the ovary, and the larger oncospheres and longer embryonic hooks, and from Tetrabothrius (T.) sp. from Ziphius cavirostris by the narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius ovary, and the larger oncospheres and longer embryonic hooks, and from Tetrabothrius (T.) sp. from Ziphius cavirostris by the narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius and larger eggs and oncospheres, from Tetrabothrius (T.) curilensis by the smaller testes and vitellarium, the shape and size of the ovary, and the larger oncospheres and longer embryonic hooks, and from Tetrabothrius (T.) sp. from Ziphius cavirostris by the narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius ovary, and the larger oncospheres and longer embryonic hooks, and from Tetrabothrius (T.) sp. from Ziphius cavirostris by the narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius narrower strobila, smaller scolex, and smaller number of testes. The generic designations of Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 and Tetrabothrius from M. hectori, and Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 2 (single fragmented immature specimen) and 2 morphotypes of tetraphyllidean larvae from P. dioptrica. Tetrabothrius (T.) hobergi n. sp. can be distinguished from Tetrabothrius (T.) forsteri by the greater number of testes and larger eggs and oncospheres, from Tetrabothrius (T.) curilensis by the smaller testes and vitellarium, the shape and size of the