HOSNE Ana Carolina
Assessing indigenous forms of writing. Jose de Acosta´s view of Andean quipus in contrast with Chinese ?letters?
Journal of Jesuit Studies
Lugar: Boston, Ma; Año: 2014 vol. 1 p. 177 - 191
In this article, the Jesuit José de Acosta?s interest in Andean quipus is analyzed as it evolved throughout his works, beginning in the preface of De procuranda indorum salute (1588) and reaching a point of arrival in his Historia natural y moral de las Indias (1590). In De procuranda, Acosta established different categories of ?barbaric nations,? placing the Indians from Mexico and Peru after the Chinese and Japanese. The latter belonged to the first category of ?barbaric nations? because of their judgement, a stable republic, laws, fortified cities, and - most importantly in Acosta?s eyes - use and knowledge of letters. In the Historia Acosta resumed aspects of this classification, with a focus on letters - or the lack of them - and writing, bringing China to the forefront.The difference with De procuranda was that Acosta?s Historia fed on fresh information from the first Jesuits to establish a mission in China, Michele Ruggieri (1543-1607) and Matteo Ricci (1552-1640), which invigorated Acosta?s analysis of letters, writing, and all that in his view could not be considered ?letters? or ?writing.? In the first section of this article, Acosta?s views on Andean quipus are analyzed, based mainly on his experience in the Peru mission. In the second section, focus shifts to Acosta?s analysis of letters and writing, especially in his Historia, in which China played a preeminent role, bringing out interesting points of comparison with the Andean quipus. In the conclusion, are reflections on Acosta?s own view of indigenous forms of writing in contrast with alphabetic script.