CUETO Victor Rodolfo
Foraging behavior and microhabitat use of birds inhabiting coastal woodlands in east-central Argentina
Wilson Bulletin
Wilson Ornithological Society
Año: 2002 vol. 114 p. 342 - 348
ABSTRACT.—We examined foraging behavior and microhabitat use of four passerine bird species inhabiting an old growth coastal woodland in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Based on foraging maneuvers, we identified two groups: (1) nonaerial foragers formed by Tropical Parulas (Parula pitiayumi) and Masked Gnatcatchers (Polioptila dumicola) that hopped on branches and twigs while searching and gleaning prey from the nearby foliage, and (2) aerial foragers formed by White-crested Tyrannulets (Serpophaga subcristata) and Small-billed Elaenias (Elaenia parvirostris) that searched for and detected prey while perched, and captured it from foliage or in the air. Nonaerial foragers found prey primarily in the canopy while aerial foragers captured prey at all heights in the woodland. Tree species selection was similar among the four species. All bird species disproportionately foraged in Scutia buxifolia and avoided the use of Ligustrum lucidum trees. Our results indicate that these bird species differed in microhabitat selection in old growth coastal woodland, and that nonaerial foragers were more sensitive to foliage architecture and foliage height distribution than aerial foragers. These results illustrate the importance of woodland logging to bird densities, and provide basic information for effective management.Parula pitiayumi) and Masked Gnatcatchers (Polioptila dumicola) that hopped on branches and twigs while searching and gleaning prey from the nearby foliage, and (2) aerial foragers formed by White-crested Tyrannulets (Serpophaga subcristata) and Small-billed Elaenias (Elaenia parvirostris) that searched for and detected prey while perched, and captured it from foliage or in the air. Nonaerial foragers found prey primarily in the canopy while aerial foragers captured prey at all heights in the woodland. Tree species selection was similar among the four species. All bird species disproportionately foraged in Scutia buxifolia and avoided the use of Ligustrum lucidum trees. Our results indicate that these bird species differed in microhabitat selection in old growth coastal woodland, and that nonaerial foragers were more sensitive to foliage architecture and foliage height distribution than aerial foragers. These results illustrate the importance of woodland logging to bird densities, and provide basic information for effective management.Polioptila dumicola) that hopped on branches and twigs while searching and gleaning prey from the nearby foliage, and (2) aerial foragers formed by White-crested Tyrannulets (Serpophaga subcristata) and Small-billed Elaenias (Elaenia parvirostris) that searched for and detected prey while perched, and captured it from foliage or in the air. Nonaerial foragers found prey primarily in the canopy while aerial foragers captured prey at all heights in the woodland. Tree species selection was similar among the four species. All bird species disproportionately foraged in Scutia buxifolia and avoided the use of Ligustrum lucidum trees. Our results indicate that these bird species differed in microhabitat selection in old growth coastal woodland, and that nonaerial foragers were more sensitive to foliage architecture and foliage height distribution than aerial foragers. These results illustrate the importance of woodland logging to bird densities, and provide basic information for effective management.Serpophaga subcristata) and Small-billed Elaenias (Elaenia parvirostris) that searched for and detected prey while perched, and captured it from foliage or in the air. Nonaerial foragers found prey primarily in the canopy while aerial foragers captured prey at all heights in the woodland. Tree species selection was similar among the four species. All bird species disproportionately foraged in Scutia buxifolia and avoided the use of Ligustrum lucidum trees. Our results indicate that these bird species differed in microhabitat selection in old growth coastal woodland, and that nonaerial foragers were more sensitive to foliage architecture and foliage height distribution than aerial foragers. These results illustrate the importance of woodland logging to bird densities, and provide basic information for effective management.Elaenia parvirostris) that searched for and detected prey while perched, and captured it from foliage or in the air. Nonaerial foragers found prey primarily in the canopy while aerial foragers captured prey at all heights in the woodland. Tree species selection was similar among the four species. All bird species disproportionately foraged in Scutia buxifolia and avoided the use of Ligustrum lucidum trees. Our results indicate that these bird species differed in microhabitat selection in old growth coastal woodland, and that nonaerial foragers were more sensitive to foliage architecture and foliage height distribution than aerial foragers. These results illustrate the importance of woodland logging to bird densities, and provide basic information for effective management.Scutia buxifolia and avoided the use of Ligustrum lucidum trees. Our results indicate that these bird species differed in microhabitat selection in old growth coastal woodland, and that nonaerial foragers were more sensitive to foliage architecture and foliage height distribution than aerial foragers. These results illustrate the importance of woodland logging to bird densities, and provide basic information for effective management.