National Program for Science and Justice

CONICET researcher participated in the International Seminar “The test in agro- environmental processes”

It took place in the city of Sucre, Bolivia, on December 3 and 4 2021.

The Seminar organized by the Agro-environmental Court of Bolivia was attended by  Luciano Merini, associate researcher of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) in the Scientific Research Agency of the Attorney General of La Pampa (AIC) and member of the Council Advisor and member of the Council Advisor to the National Program for Science and Justice of CONICET. He presented the “Guide to processes and procedures for examination in agro-environmental matters” which was conducted by Juan Sebastian Lloret, Secretary for Environmental Matters of the Court of Justice of the province of Salta, Argentina. It is a guide designed for agro-environmental courts through Bolivia. Anabel Saran, CONICET postdoctoral fellow at the AIC, also participated in the Seminar.

Some of the presentations were: “Technical examinations in the environment and its probative value within environmental actions” by Elva Tereceros, president of the Agro-environmental Court, “Determination and quantification of environmental damage” made by the environmental judge of Santa Ana of the Republic of El Salvador, Norma Elizabeth Lemus and “Assessment of environmental damage” by Eduardo Juan Palma of the Ministry of Environment and Water of Bolivia, among others. At the end of the Seminar, Merini presented the study “The Synthesis of Science and Justice: A new paradigm.”

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