57 years of the CONICET
This is the main institution devoted to the promotion of science and technology in Argentina.
The National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) was created on February 5th, 1958. Its first president was Bernardo Houssay, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
With more than 20 thousand members – researchers, technicians, fellows and administrative staff- across the country, the Council celebrated a new anniversary.
During the last 12 years, the CONICET has grown with the constant support for science and technology provided by the national government.
Currently, in terms of human resources, the Council has more than 8,200 researchers, 2,500 technicians, 7,100 doctoral fellows and 2,000 postdoctoral fellows.
Its institutional network comprises 226 institutes and research centres, most of them shared with national universities; 14 Scientific and Technological Centres; and 8 Research and Transference Centres, which cover all the country and meet regional needs.
CONICET is recognized internationally. Due to its scientific production, it ranks 79 among 5,000 scientific and technical institutions from the entire world. It ranks first at national level; it is second in the region and third in Latin America.
Apart from supporting science of excellence, the CONICET promotes knowledge transfer to the society to contribute to the development of the country and the quality of life of the citizens.
Its creation dates back to the 50s, when in 1951 the National Technical and Scientific Council (CONITYC) was formed, an organization that seven years later would lead to the CONICET on February 5th, 1958.