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e-Macao Research Report 202 - Electronic Governance for Sustainable Development - State of Research
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Campo de Aplicación:
Des.Socioecon.y Serv.-Org.y Adm.del Desarro
This document describes the findings of the research carried out to determine the state-of-research of Electronic Governance for Sustainable Development (EGOV4SD) - Foundations. This report is one of the deliverables of the "Electronic Governance for Sustainable Development - Foundations" project executed by UNU-IIST Center for Electronic Governance in the UNU e-Macao Program portfolio for 2011.The document is structured into eight sections as follows. Section 1 presents an introduction to Sustainable Development (SD). Section 2 introduces definitions for Electronic Governance (EGOV), SD, and EGOV4SD. In addition, it explains models for SD. Section 3 explains the methodology adopted for conducting the research work. As part of the scoping of the research, the abstracts of 421 papers were reviewed and 81 papers were selected as related to EGOV4SD. Section 4 documents the selected papers including a summary for each paper. Section 5 explains the state-of-research in EGOV4SD based on an assessment framework proposed in Section 3. The framework comprises the following areas: 1) type of problems addressed in EGOV4SD considering the EGOV and SD dimensions, 2) research philosophy, 3) research design, 4) data used for conducting the research, 5) research process - assessing the theoretical underpinning of the research and the constitution and location of the research team; and 6) research outputs in terms of the contributions to theory and practice. Section 6 introduces a conceptual framework for EGOV4SD identifying research problems. The findings of the research are presented in Section 7; while Section 8 draws some conclusions.