SECA MarÍa Victoria
'Las juventudes' rising. Argentina's local, global and innovate youth activism
The Sociological Review
The Sociological Review
Año: 2022
In Argentina, and in the world, there are multiple discourses about young people, about what they should do and what they shouldn?t do; that configures stereotypical views and stigmatisation speeches. As youth sociologists, we research from young people?s perspective about how and why youth get involved in politics, which are their agendas and how young people actively take part in and make the world. In the last twenty years in Argentina, young people have become political subjects, and there appeared phenomena of social protest, collective action and participation with a strong youth component. The mobilisations demanding justice for the murders of the young piqueteros Dario and Maxi in June 2002, the occupations of schools for the right to public education, the young women in front of the Congress with their faces painted in green and purple glitter for legal abortion, the marches against the climate crisis are part of the vast array of collective actions with youth protagonism that characterize the conflict in the country; and the region. Therefore, this article focuses on the agendas around youth involvement in politics, and develops a generational form of politics. We use the theoretical approach of the sociology of youth and collective action (Feixa, 2014; Pleyers, 2018; Vommaro, 2015; Vazquez, 2021). We understand youth as a socio-historical notion defined in a relational and situated key. The article takes a qualitative approach and is based on documentary analysis and interviews with young people (as part of our doctoral and postdoctoral research work), from a non-adultcentric perspective (Duarte, 2021).