HERNÁNDEZ AndrÉs Eduardo
congresos y reuniones científicas
Taken Schools: movilization and colective action in secondary schools of Córdoba city -about el estudiantazo, 2010-
Villa María
Seminario; 1°Seminario Internacional Territorio, Desarrollo Sostenible, Luchas Sociales y Ciudadanía; 2012
Institución organizadora:
Universidad Nacional de Villa María
In this paper will analize diferent ways and kinds of movements, attending the organization of the school space, all referred to de protests of Schools of Córdoba on 2010. With the analysis of three case´s studies, we will try to discuss different representations and actions in a context of occupation. We will try to give some hypothesis about dimensions of politic and organization. The thin connections between the different experiences represent the central theme of our proposal, variations that we must understand on their own particularity if we want to understand all process. This paper is part of the firsts advances of project “Identit(ies) and use(s) of force scholar contexts  -a exploratory study about variants on framework of estudiantazo in Ciudad de Córdoba (2010-2011)-“, funded by Beca de Estímulo a las Vocaciones Científicas (CIN).