MORALEJO Reinaldo Andres
congresos y reuniones científicas
An inka haukaypata in El Shincal de Quimivil (Argentina): ceramic studies to understand public social practices in the Kollasuyu
Congreso; 27th EAA Annual Meeting; 2021
Institución organizadora:
European Association of Archaeologists
The Inca Empire conquered a large part of South America with a central policy that sought to materially introduce conquered peoples into the Imperial Landscape through urbanisation, building administrative architectural elements throughout the Empire. Urban political-ceremonial settlements were centred around the plaza or haukaypata, where core activities for social interaction were carried out within the imperial cosmovision. El Shincal de Quimivil (Northwestern Argentina) was planned following these Inca models, becoming one of the main regional political-ceremonial centres in a landscape of intense dynamics. Among its most outstanding features are a 30,625 m2 plaza and a large number of administrative and housing buildings. To comprehend public social practices that took place in El Shincal plaza, considering social, political, and ideological aspects of Inca administration, 320 sherds were analysed, emphasising a morpho-decorative analysis within stylistic studies. The study revealed the predominance of Provincial Inca pottery (32.5%), while other local styles are very scarce. The presence of Inca Cuzqueño sherds (4.95%) is relevant as they correspond to vessels imported from Cuzco and are very rare in provincial administrative contexts. Their presence in El Shincal reinforces its importance as an imperial centre. The high incidence of aryballos (30.03%), directly associated with the consumption of a highly valued maize beer, indicates that public events were held at the plaza where it was shared alongside large amounts of food (as indicated by cooking vessels with and without soot).The ceramic analysis provides material evidence about public events sponsored by the imperial administration in the plaza, where reciprocity and redistribution of goods between the Empire and local peoples were at stake. The high proportion of Provincial Inca vessels would indicate that large quantities of food and drink were provided by the administration. This evidence is consistent with the descriptions made by Spaniards chroniclers about haukaypata.