LOPEZ Ignacio Alejandro
congresos y reuniones científicas
In the edge of new turbulent times. Transatlantic readings on Interwar's political institutions by Mexican and Argentinian legal scholars (1920s-1940s)
Workshop; The circulation of state models and institutional designs between Europe and Latin America. Transatlantic perspectives on Political and Legal History in the 20th century; 2022
Institución organizadora:
MoSa/History Department, KU Leuven / School of Law and the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Warwick
This essay is part of an extensive project linked to understanding how debates over republican and federal systems in Interwar Latin America were thought from an academic perspective of Law. Politically, these years were crucial to understanding long-standing processes in our countries. Internationally, the First World War consequences and the resultant crisis of liberalism and parliamentary systems are reflected in the intellectual debates and the rethinking of institutional designs. Regionally, we witness the path between oligarchic regimes countries and the emergence of populist movements in many Latin American countries (Halperin Donghi, 1969; Skidmore & Smith, 1984). This project began four years exploring underexplored sources at the Law School at the University of Buenos Aires, later in the University of Michigan´s Law Library, and then in Law School´s "Antonio Caso" Library at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. In these two months, a new research stage has been conducted here in KU Leuven.