Carbonic Anhydrase subunits physically interact within complex I of plant mitochondria
Año: 2004 vol. 56 p. 947 - 957
We report the identification by two hybrid screens of two novel similar proteins, called Arabidopsis thalianaArabidopsis thaliana gamma carbonic anhydrase like1 and 2 (AtcCAL1 and AtcCAL2), that interact specifically with putativecCAL1 and AtcCAL2), that interact specifically with putative Arabidopsis thaliana gamma Carbonic Anhydrase (AtcCA) proteins in plant mitochondria. The interaction region that was located in the N-terminal 150 amino acids of mature AtcCA and AtcCA like proteins represents a new interaction domain. In vitro experiments indicate that these proteins are imported into mitochondria and are associated with mitochondrial complex I as AtcCAs. All plant species analyzed contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex mitochondria and are associated with mitochondrial complex I as AtcCAs. All plant species analyzed contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex represents a new interaction domain. In vitro experiments indicate that these proteins are imported into mitochondria and are associated with mitochondrial complex I as AtcCAs. All plant species analyzed contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex mitochondria and are associated with mitochondrial complex I as AtcCAs. All plant species analyzed contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex region that was located in the N-terminal 150 amino acids of mature AtcCA and AtcCA like proteins represents a new interaction domain. In vitro experiments indicate that these proteins are imported into mitochondria and are associated with mitochondrial complex I as AtcCAs. All plant species analyzed contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex mitochondria and are associated with mitochondrial complex I as AtcCAs. All plant species analyzed contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex represents a new interaction domain. In vitro experiments indicate that these proteins are imported into mitochondria and are associated with mitochondrial complex I as AtcCAs. All plant species analyzed contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex mitochondria and are associated with mitochondrial complex I as AtcCAs. All plant species analyzed contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex contain both AtcCA and AtcCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex residues with respect to cCAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtcCAs.We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex evolution. Structural modeling of AtcCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to