BARBERIS Lucas Miguel
Effects of a differentiating therapy on cancer-stem-cell-driven tumors
Journal of Theoretical Biology
Academic Press
Año: 2023 vol. 572
The growth of many solid tumors has been found to be driven by chemo- and radiotherapy-resistant cancer stem cells (CSCs). A suitable therapeutic avenue in these cases may involve the use of a differentiating agent (DA) to force the differentiation of the CSCs and of conventional therapies to eliminate the remaining differentiated cancer cells (DCCs). To describe the effects of a DA that reprograms CSCs into DCCs, we adapt a differential equation model developed to investigate tumorspheres, which are assumed to consist of jointly evolving CSC and DCC populations. We analyze the mathematical properties of the model, finding the equilibria and their stability. We also present numerical solutions and phase diagrams to describe the system evolution and the therapy effects, denoting the DA strength by a parameter 𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑓 . To obtain realistic predictions, we choose the other model parameters to be those determined previously from fits to various experimental datasets. These datasets characterize the progression of the tumor under various culture conditions. Typically, for small values of 𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑓 the tumor evolves towards a final state that contains a CSC fraction, but a strong therapy leads to the suppression of this phenotype. Nonetheless, different external conditions lead to very diverse behaviors. For microchamber-grown tumorspheres, there is a threshold in therapy strength below which both subpopulations survive, while high values of 𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑓 lead to the complete elimination of the CSC phenotype. For tumorspheres grown on hard and soft agar and in the presence of growth factors, the model predicts a threshold not only in the therapy strength, but also in its starting time, an early beginning being potentially crucial. In summary, our model shows how the effects of a DA depend critically not only on the dosage and timing of the drug application, but also on the tumor nature and its environment