FACCIA Paula Andrea
International Contact Lens Prescribing in 2022
Contact Lens Spectrum
BroadcastMed LLC
Año: 2023
EACH YEAR SINCE 2001, Contact Lens Spectrumhas presented an overview of international contact lens prescribing. The work is conducted by an ad hoc group of national coordinators—colleagues from the contact lens industry, universities, and optometric practices—who organize for contact lens prescribing practitioners (optometrists, ophthalmologists, or opticians, as appropriate) in their countries to provide information on paper or online about the contact lens fi ts that they perform. Many countries have consistently provided data to this work for long periods and indeed, fi ve markets have contributed data every year since the fi rst Contact Lens Spectrum publication: Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, and the United Kingdom. The United States has been included since 2002, and, in total, 71 countries have provided data since the start of the century. The purpose of the work is to provide information for diff erent sectors of the contact lens industry; to allow optometrists and other eyecare professionals to compare the prescribing habits of their peers to their own; for researchers to have a sense of the market relevance of their work; and for the industry to see ongoing prescribing trends around the world.