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Making mobility visible.
Impact 2.0. New mechanisms for linking research and policy
Fundación Comunica
Lugar: Montevideo; Año: 2012; p. 136 - 137
Here outlines four projects supported by Impact 2.0 that tested social web applications for (i) the communication of research results to non-academic audiences, including politicians, (2) develop in collaboration between researchers and policy makers, proposals supported by the results of the research and (iii) the strengthening of relations between researchers, policy makers, and other stakeholders in public policy. Each of the projects presented in this section sought to incorporate technologies to improve communication and increase their political influence. Two of the projects outlined suggest that Web 2.0 environments are suitable for creating spaces for deliberation and consensus building. However, we also encountered difficulties. Consistent with similar studies conducted in other regions, it is found that academic researchers have a number of reservations about the use of social networks and other social web tools, ranging from security issues relating to the issuing of their work to the lack of knowledge about the potential of the tools, through difficulties such as lack of time and incentives to assess numerous and changing applications 2.0. Moreover, the evaluations of these experiments emphasize the importance of legitimacy and credibility of the research centers that sponsor the activity for a call to work together to be fruitful (is the case, for example, the project Costadigital). Furthermore, it is worth noting the importance of having clearly defined objectives about what is expected from the collaborative work (eg executive summaries on any specific health policy, as in the case of EVIPNet) and selected tools for generate these collaborative spaces (the lack of knowledge and practical application of a wiki was one of the main obstacles faced by the project CLAEH). As the projects that are outlined here, internet and web 2.0 have the ability to facilitate the implementation of many activities can facilitate the incorporation of knowledge in public policy: communication, translation and exchange interaction, use of social influence and intermediaries. Only further research is needed.