PAUTASSI Ricardo Marcos
congresos y reuniones científicas
Use of Novelty as a way of Modulating cSNC expression: Implications of the Adrenergic System
Congreso; 17 ª Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad Internacional de Psicología Comparada; 2014
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad Internacional de Psicología Comparada
Behavior depends on prior experience with different reward values In consummatory Successive Negative Constrast (cSNC) a downshift from access to 32% to 4% sucrose results in suppression of consumption, relative to an unshifted group, which is considered to involve frustration. Exposure to novelty modulates memory processes, and the noradrenergic system is involved in this modulation. This study assessed if the the effects of novelty (an open field exposure, OF) upon frustration and the role of the noradrenergic system in this phenomenon. OF exploration interfered with cSNC, both in the first and in the second post-shift trial. In Shift 1, OF exposure results in less frustration (i.e., increased downshift solution consumption), whereas in Post-shift 2 results in greater frustration (i.e., decreased downshift solution consumption). Propranolol administration blocked these effects of OF, indicating that the noradrenergyc system is involved in the modulatory role of novelty on frustration. The noradrenergyc system may be involve in the phenomenon of novelty and frustration. More research is nedeed to study the others neurotransmitters systems involved in the phenomenon. Referencias Amsel, A. (1992). Frustration theory: An analysis of dispositional learning and memory. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Boccia, M., Blake, M., Acosta, G. & Baratti, C. (2005). Memory consolidation and reconsolidation of an inhibitory avoidance task in mice: Effects of a new different learning task. Neuroscience, 135, 19-29. Flaherty, C. F. (1996). Incentive relativity. Cambridge University Press. Izquierdo, I. & McGaugh, J. (1985). Effect of a novel experience prior to training or testing on retention of an inhibitory avoidance response in mice: Involvement of an opioid system. Behavioral and neural biology, 44, 228-238. Justel, N., Pautassi, R. & Mustaca, A. (in press). Effect of proactive interference of novelty on incentive downshift. Learning & Behavior. Justel, N., Ruetti, E., Bentosela, M., Mustaca, A. & Papini, M. (2012). Effects of testosterone administration and gonadectomy on incentive downshift and open field activity in rats. Physiology and Behavior, 106, 657-663. Justel, N., Ruetti, E., Mustaca, A. & Papini, M. (2012). Effects of pretraining treatment with testosterone on successive and anticipatory negative contrast. Physiology & Behavior, 105(4), 933-937. Ruetti, E. & Justel, N. (2010). Bases neurobiológicas de la frustración. Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento, 2(3), 45-60.