CALIFANO Bernadette Paola
informe técnico
Principles for a public interest communications environment: access and content diversity in Argentina
Fecha inicio/fin:
Naturaleza de la

Producción Tecnológica:
Campo de Aplicación:
Ciencia y cultura-Informacion y documentaci
This is an explorative investigation of two guiding principles in relation to communications policy in Argentina: access and diversity. Our starting points are the following Freedom of Expression Project principles: -All people should have affordable and equitable access to the means of receiving and disseminating opinion, information and culture. -The range of content available should be diverse, representing the whole spectrum of cultures, interests and knowledge. Equitable access covers equal receipt of information, which requires national coverage of communications and the possibility of choosing between different forms of communication. It also covers access to the means of broadcasting content, in other words, access to broadcasting licences. Culture includes all the distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features that characterise a social group. The free exchange and accessibility of culture, in its different forms, are essential. In other words, it is necessary not only to guarantee the free circulation of ideas, but also to ensure that all cultures can express themselves and become known. This was laid down by Article 6 of the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity: Freedom of expression, media pluralism, multilingualism and the possibility for all cultures to have access to the means of expression and dissemination are the guarantees of cultural diversity. These two principles are examined in this paper within the framework of the present media context and current legislation in Argentina.