ISAL   25063
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Endocrine disruption: a warning sign of human activities compromising future sustainability
Porto Alegre
Workshop; Joint Workshop of Junior Researchers; 2019
Institución organizadora:
Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM) - Coimbra Group Universities
Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDC) are a wide range of substances that interfere with endocrine homeostasis. EDC are among the most frequent contaminants and can be found in pesticides and many everyday products, including plastic bottles, metal food cans, detergents, flame retardants, food additives, toys, and cosmetics.Endosulfan (END) is an organochlorine compound used as insecticide that has been classified as an EDC. Even though END has been banned in most countries of Latin America by 2013, due to its lipophilic nature, is bioaccumulated in the web chain and persist in the environment. END is currently detected in food, dairy products, wildlife and human serum.A reptilian species inhabiting South American wetlands, Caiman latirostris (C. latirostris) is highly sensitive to endocrine disruption and a useful living model to study the effects of EDC. The female reproductive tract, named oviduct in oviparous species, is a target of EDC. C. latirostris oviductal maturation and sensitivity to EDC has already been described by our research group. The aims of my thesis project are to evaluate whether the caiman nesting areas are polluted with EDC and to assess the effects of environmental EDC pollution and in ovo exposure to END on juvenile caiman oviducts.Water samples collected from caiman nesting areas will be tested for hormonal activity using yeast hormonal screen assay. Eggs will be collected, incubated at female-producing temperature and exposed to END or vehicle. Hatchlings will be raised under controlled conditions until juvenile. Animals obtained from non-exposed eggs collected in areas with no hormonal activity will be used as control. Previously identified oviductal biomarkers (biological features sensitive to EDC exposure) will be assessed by histomorphological and molecular approaches. Differences between different groups and correlation studies will be performed using statistical methods.Results from my project will be published in peer review scientific journals. Besides that we will divulge among rural communities living near wetlands. Thus, improving the risk awareness related to EDC exposure and promoting responsible usage and management of pesticides and urban waste disposal. To this aim we have developed an environmental education program that includes different activities such as a theatre piece and games. The socioeconomic impact of the divulgations lies in its preventive focus, encouraging people to seek alternative ways of food production and waste disposal, meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, all along promoting the importance of preserving aquatic environments from EDC pollution. As a consequence, the incidence of reproductive pathologies associated with EDC exposure may be reduced, improving the health of human populations, farm animals and wildlife, minimizing productive losses and improving biodiversity conservation.