WILLIAMS Silvia Maureen
capítulos de libros
Part One: Remote Sensing, Earth Observation Satellites and Registration Issues
Report of the 72nd Conference of the International Law Association
Cambrian Printers, UK
Lugar: Londres; Año: 2006; p. 698 - 720
A. The 1986 UN Principles on Remote Sensing: twenty years on Given the close connection between the topics involved in this Second Report of our Committee, a slight overlapping might sometimes occur. This was evident during the Berlin working session when one of our members referred to the possibility of the ILA drafting a "national model law on remote sensing". In fact, when exploring the potential avenues of remote sensing activities and registration issues it may be necessary to touch upon national space legislation, and viceversa. In general, however, the perspectives should be different. At the Berlin working session the Space Law Committee focused, inter alia, on a list of fourteen conclusions and recommendations on remote sensing submitted by this Chair. On general lines, and after an inspiring debate, this text was agreed upon at the meeting and the fourteen points were seen, at the time, as common denominators of the thinking in this field. What follows is therefore an overview and discussion of new developments, and their possible impact, further to the 2004 Berlin Conference. For practical reasons, the text of the 1986 UN Principles on Remote Sensing and the fourteen conclusions and recommendations (Berlin 2004) are included as Annexes 1 and 2 to this Report.