WILLIAMS Silvia Maureen
capítulos de libros
Second Report: Legal Aspects of the Privatisation and Commercialisation of Space Activities-Remote Sensing and Ntional Space Legislation - Introduction
Report of the 72nd Conference of the ILA - Toronto 2006
Cambrian Printers, UK
Lugar: Londres; Año: 2006; p. 693 - 698
This Second Report of the Space Law Committee aims at highlighting the most controversial issues addressed in our work submitted to the Berlin Conference, with the purpose of laying down the pillars for concrete proposals on remote sensing (RS) and national space legislation (NSL), to be presented to the ILA 73rd Conference in 2008. Both topics -of an unquestionable evolving nature- appear, in today´s international scene, very much linked. As anticipated in Berlin under the heading "Future Work of the Committee" of the Report, the Commitee further notes that remote sensing and national space legislation are being increasingly related to the registration of objects launched into outer space, an activity governed by the 1975 Registration Convention. This Convention, however, has been only timidly supported by the international community and calls for adjustments in order to be consistent with the present time.