NASTRI Javier Hernan
capítulos de libros
Santa María. Geography and culture. State of the art and current debates
Enciclopedia of Global Archaeology
Lugar: Nueva York; Año: 2018; p. 1 - 19
The archaeological remains of Belén and Santa María cultures are indicative of the Late Intermediate Period (1000-1450 AD) or Regional Development Period in the valleys of Argentine Northwest. In Santa Maria Valley the settlements were placed on the slopes and peaks of the hills naturally protected against potential sieges, while defense walls and other military structures such as parapets and watchtowers were also added. Constructions ranging in numbers that could exceed two or three hundred compounds were built along the slopes, the foothills and adjacent areas while the agricultural infrastructure was located at the bottom of the valley. In the high altitudes of Sierra del Cajón small installations for handling herds of llamas were constructed and there is at least one known case, Pichanal 4 of a pastoralist aggregation site possibly held to perform ceremonies linked to the cattle reproduction cycle. Finally we should also mention defensive positions consisting of a few enclosures that protected the roads, and protective walls of large dimensions.