NASTRI Javier Hernan
capítulos de libros
Pérez Gollán, José Antonio
Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology
Lugar: Nueva York; Año: 2014; p. 5882 - 5885
Jose Antonio Perez Gollan (1937) is one of the most prominent argentinean archaeologist who made a main contribution to the archaeology of the Southern Andes. Born in the city of Cordoba, was formed in history at the National University of Córdoba, earning a BA in History in 1965 with a thesis on " Settlement Patterns of Northwestern Argentina". That same year he became a Fellow of the newly created National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), and two years later became a teaching assistant in the career of anthropology at the National University of La Plata. In 1969 he became a researcher at CONICET and in 1971 was appointed professor at the National University of Córdoba. In 1977 he obtained a doctorate degree from the National University of Cordoba with a thesis entitled "Analysis of archaeological ceramics at the site of Cienaga Grande (Tumbaya Department, Jujuy province)". Immediately went into exile because of the dangerous situation generated by the bloody military dictatorship installed in Argentina since March 1976. In Mexico was appointed in 1979 Professor of the chair of Andean Ethnohistory at the National School of Anthropology and History,  and Researcher of the National Institute of Anthropology and History. Once constitutional order in Argentina was restored, he returned home, being reinstated and promoted at CONICET. In the same year of 1987 he became director of the Ethnographic Museum of the University of Buenos Aires. In 2005 he left that position to assume the leadership of the National Historical Museum, where he served until 2013.