INCIHUSA   20883
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
CSIC - Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Gobierno de España
Lugar: Madrid; Año: 2012 vol. LXIV p. 623 - 659
 Hispania Sacra se edita en el CSIC, con una periodicidad semestral. Su ISSN es: 0018-215-X y el NIPO: 403-04-014-4. Está indizada por distintas Bases de Datos, entre otras: Arts and Humanities Search del ISIS, Hispanic America Periodical Index (HAPI) UCLA, Handbook on Latin American Studies (HLAS) Francis, CNRS, Ulrichs Periodicals Directory Browker Co., Internacional Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), ISI Web of Science, European Reference Index for the Humanities, (ERIH) y en SCOPUS- Elsevier. Puede consultarse en acceso abierto en RESUMEN Este artículo propone abordar desde la perspectiva de la historia urbana, la presencia y la acción del clero regular, y en particular la Compañía de Jesús en Mendoza, ciudad periférica del Imperio español en el cono sur latinoamericano. Un recorrido de sus edificios y propiedades, su ubicación espacial en la ciudad, así como las conexiones con otros actores de la vida comunitaria y las otras órdenes religiosas nos permiten reconocer la manera en que la Compañía de Jesús se convirtió en un actor relevante del mundo colonial de Mendoza. Los jesuitas fueron los fundadores del primer colegio y la primera biblioteca pública que tuvo la ciudad, eran proveedores de alimentos básicos como la carne y el trigo ya que poseyeron una eficiente red de establecimientos productivos (Haciendas, Viñas y Molinos) dedicados a la actividad agrícola y ganadera, ubicados no sólo en el oasis del Río Mendoza sino también en el Valle de Uco (oasis del Río Tunuyán). Además del análisis del templo principal y el Colegio hemos incorporado (y localizado en la traza actual) la mítica Capilla del Buen Viaje que estaba emplazada en la viña de los jesuitas en lo que era la principal puerta de salida de la ciudad, sitio en donde quienes partían podían encomendar su suerte a la protección de la virgen. ABSTRACT This article proposes to approach from the perspective of the Urban History, the presence and the action of the regular clergy, especially Society of Jesus in Mendoza, peripheral city of the Spanish Empire in the south of Latin-American. This article proposes to approach from the perspective of the Urban History, the presence and the action of the regular clergy, especially Society of Jesus in Mendoza, peripheral city of the Spanish Empire in the south of Latin-American. This article proposes to approach from the perspective of the Urban History, the presence and the action of the regular clergy, especially Society of Jesus in Mendoza, peripheral city of the Spanish Empire in the south of Latin-American. This article proposes to approach from the perspective of the Urban History, the presence and the action of the regular clergy, especially Society of Jesus in Mendoza, peripheral city of the Spanish Empire in the south of Latin-American. This article proposes to approach from the perspective of the Urban History, the presence and the action of the regular clergy, especially Society of Jesus in Mendoza, peripheral city of the Spanish Empire in the south of Latin-American. This article proposes to approach from the perspective of the Urban History, the presence and the action of the regular clergy, especially Society of Jesus in Mendoza, peripheral city of the Spanish Empire in the south of Latin-American. This article proposes to approach from the perspective of the Urban History, the presence and the action of the regular clergy, especially Society of Jesus in Mendoza, peripheral city of the Spanish Empire in the south of Latin-American. This article proposes to approach from the perspective of the Urban History, the presence and the action of the regular clergy, especially Society of Jesus in Mendoza, peripheral city of the Spanish Empire in the south of Latin-American.  A tour of his buildings and possessions, his spatial location in the city, as well as the connections with other actors of the community life and other religious orders allow us to recognize the way in which Society of Jesus turned into a relevant actor of the colonial world of Mendoza. The Jesuits were the founders of the first college and the first public library that had the city, they were suppliers of basic food as the meat and the wheat since they possessed an efficient network of productive establishments (ranching haciendas, Vineyards and Mills) Dedicated to the agricultural and cattle activity, located not only in the oasis of the Rio Mendoza but also in Uco´s Valley (oasis of the Rio Tunuyán). Besides the analysis of the principal temple and the College we have incorporated (and located in the current trace) the mythical Chapel of the Good Trip that was located in the "vineyard of the Jesuits" in what was the main gate of the city, site where travelers could entrust their fate to the protection of the Virgin.