capítulos de libros
"No sé de otra cosa que de asuntos eróticos." El saber erótico de Sócrates y la téchne de la caza de hombres
Socrates and the Socratic Philosophies. Selected Papers from Socratica (International Socrates Studies, 2)
Academia Verlag
Lugar: Sankt Augustin; Año: 2022; p. 151 - 162
I am interested in this work in examining, firstly, the practical (áskesis) dimension involved in Socratic erotic wisdom, which, on the basis of the Symposium and also some passages of early Platonic dialogues (Ly. 204b8-c2, 206a1-4; Chrm. 154b8-10, 155c5-e3, 157a4-5; Grg. 481d1-5; Mx. 236c8-d2; Men. 76a9-c2; 79e7-80d4) and by Xenophon (Mem. II, 6, 10-13, 28-30; Smp. IV 27-28; VIII 2 1-4), could be defined ?borrowing terminology from the Sph. 222d3-e3- as a téchne of erotic persuasion or of the hunting of men (théra anthrópon). Secondly, I seek to analyse what relationship such Socratic erotic áskesis has with wisdom of a theoretical-eidetic nature that crowns the erotic ascent established by Diotima. In order to combine both aspects of Socratic erotic wisdom, I maintain that the practical dimension of wisdom involved in the téchne of the erotic hunt may come to represent the necessary prelude to the theoretical dimension implied in the erotic wisdom of an eidetic kind found in the last grade of the erotic ascent. This combination would make it possible to enlighten and show the dual perspective (practical and theoretical) of erotic wisdom that Socrates acknowledges having in the Symposium.