ZANDIVAREZ Arnaldo Ariel
congresos y reuniones científicas
Midiendo la estructura en gran escala del universo con el UZC
Córdoba, Argentina
Congreso; X Reunion Regional Latinoamericana de Astronomía; 2001
We compute the galaxy redshift space power spectrum of Updated Zwicky Catalogue using Feldman, Kaiser & Peacock formalism for volume and magnitude limited samples constructed from this catalogue. The power spectrum obtained can be well aproximated by a power law P(k) ∝ kn with an index n = −1.7 for wavenumbers k ∼> 0.02 h Mpc−1, showing a flattening for smaller k. We have compared our determination with the recently obtained by Padmanabhan et al. using a completely differenttechnique, finding a very good agreement between both samples. With the one obtained for other galaxy samples as the Stromlo-APM and the Durham/UKST Galaxy redshift surveys. We correct the redshift space power spectrum by redshift distortions to obtain the real space P(k) using the onedimensional velocity dispersion and the β parameter obtained by Padilla et al. Using this real space power spectrum, we derive a linear power spectrum for the UZC computing the inversion of the analytical formalism developed by Peacock & Dodds. We show that this lineal power spectrum can be very well approximated by a CDM model with fitting parameters Γ = 0.2 and σ8 = 0.95.