GARRIDO Alejandra
2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automation of Software Test
IEEE Computer Society
Lugar: Los Alamitos; Año: 2021 p. 129
Welcome to the 2nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automation of Software Test AST 2021. The increasing complexity, pervasiveness, and inter-connection of software systems on the one hand, and the ever-shrinking development cycles and time-to-market on the other, make the automation of software test (AST) an urgent requirement today more than ever. Despite significant achievements both in theory and practice, AST remains a challenging research area.Software testing automation is a discipline that has produced noteworthy research in the last decade. The search for solutions to automatically test any concept of software is critical, mainly to fulfill the ever- increasing demands from the industry. Many times, however, industry needs differ from the research agenda, as companies need to prioritize reducing cost and time-to-market. Moreover, practitioners may have a hard time choosing a particular testing method or technology, since the real challenges that influence the decision are usually hidden.AST 2021 continues with a long record of workshops and recently, conferences, focused on finding solutions to automated testing needs. In this edition, our goal is to go one step further in creating a bridge between theory and practice. This year, the AST 2021 conference theme is ?Automatic Software Testing from the Trenches?. AST 2021 will offer a forum of discussion about solutions, experiences or conclusions obtained from the trenches.This edition of AST is organized under the umbrella of the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) which takes place in Madrid, Spain in May 2021. The program committee worked hard to make sure that AST will have a compelling program and lineup of great research papers, industrial case studies, and industry talks. We invited Laura Garcia-Borgoñón, from ITA Innova to get to know a real experience in automatic testing in Indistry.The workshop chairs received thirty two paper submissions, from which ten regular papers and six short papers were selected. The acceptance rate of 50% was maintained to ensure the quality of the AST workshop as a selective presentation and publication venue. Some of them report about using testing in continuous deployment settings including challenges and solutions. Accepted papers will be invited to submit extended versions to the Journal of Software: Evolution and Process.We would like to thank all authors for their contributions and active participation at AST 2021. We also wish to thank the distinguished invited keynote speaker Laura García Borgoñon for sharing her insights with us. We are grateful to the members of the Program Committee and additional reviewers for their efforts in promoting the AST 2021 and reviewing all submitted papers accordingly. We appreciate their competent handling of the submissions within a short reviewing period.