ROSSO Silvana Beatriz
congresos y reuniones científicas
Wnt signaling regulates neuronal development
Carlos Paz, Cordoba, Argentina
Conferencia; XLIV Reunión Annual de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigaciones Bioquímicas (SAIB); 2008
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad Argentina de Investigaciones Bioquímicas
The development and
of the nervous system depend on the establishment of specific neuronal
connections. Both intrinsic programs and extrinsic factors modulate
neuronal development. Neuroblasts perceive the presence of neurotrophic
factors present in the extracellular media (such as IGF-1, BDNF, NGF
and Wnts), which regulate neuronal differentiation, polarization and
migration. Wnt factors are secreted glycoproteins that play a crucial
role on neuronal maturation as they have been implicated in axon
and behaviour, dendritogenesis and synapses formation. Wnts signalling
through Frizzled (Fz) receptor activates Dishevelled (DVL), a first
intracellular effector. Wnt-DVL signalling can activate three different
pathways: the canonical or b-catenin pathway, the planar cell polarity
and the calcium pathway. In this work, we show the roles of Wnt-DVL
on neuronal differentiation and maturation. Wnt7b regulates dendrite
development and complexity in hippocampal neurons. Particularly, Wnt
and DVL increase dendrite arborisation through the activation of Rac
and JNK. Consistent with these findings, hippocampal neurons from
Dvl1 mutant mice exhibit reduced dendritic arborisation and
forms of Rac or JNK block Dvl-mediated dendritic growth. These findings
suggest that Wnt pathway regulates dendritic maturation. However, little
is known about the role of WNT signalling earlier, particularly on the
initial axonal outgrowth and the establishment of neuronal polarity.
Currently, we are investigating the role of Wnt factors, their Frizzled
receptors and DVL on these phenomena. We found that undifferentiated
neurons challenged with Wnt3a or overexpressing DVL develope multiple
and more complex axons. Wnt3a seems to regulate axon formation through
a non-canonical pathway. Importantly, Wnt3a activates PI3K in cultured
neurons and in purified growth cones particles suggesting that Wnt3a
may act through the same pathway as IGF-1 (previously defined as an
essential factor for the establishment of neuronal polarity). In
Wnt3a cross-activates IGF-1 receptors in neurons and the Wnt effects
on axons are blocked by an IGF-1 receptor blocking antibody. These
suggest a possible parallelism between the two signalling systems:
and IGF-1- IGF receptor- PI3K on axon formation. We conclude that the
Wnt-DVL pathway is essential for neuronal development from axon
to dendrite maturation by activating different secondary signalling