LOPEZ Juan Jose
congresos y reuniones científicas
Light Induced Retinal Degeneration: Cannabinoid and Adenosine Receptor Changes and Novel Neuroprotective Strategies
Buenos Aires
Simposio; II International Congress in Translational Medicine (IMBS Symposium); 2015
Institución organizadora:
Universidad de Buenos Aires y Universidad de Friburgo
Light induced retinal degeneration (LIRD) resembles retinal degenerative diseases and is a useful model to search for neuroprotective drugs. The modulation of adenosine A1 and A2a receptors have been proved to be neuroprotective in acute retinal injury, and in diverse CNS pathologies. The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential neuroprotective effect of A1 and A2a agonists and antagonists on Müller cell (MC) activation using the model of LIRD.Sprague Dawley rats were intravitreally injected in one eye with one of the following drugs: CPA (A1 agonist); DCPCX (A1 antagonist); CGS 21680 (A2a agonist) or SCH 58261 (A2a antagonist). Contralateral eyes were injected with respective vehicles as control. Then, rats were submitted to continuous illumination (12000 lux) during 1 day. Retinas were processed by GFAP immunocytochemistry. GFAP immunoreactive areas were quantified using Fiji image analysis, and data were statistically analysed using Student´s t test. Animals treated with CPA showed a diminution in GFAP expression (P< 0.0001). The same trend was seen after SCH 58261 treatment. On the opposite, eyes treated with DCPCX and with CGS 21680 showed a rise in GFAP (P