congresos y reuniones científicas
Neoliberal paradigm shifts in Argentina and the Commons
Congreso; XVI Biennial IASC Conference; 2017
Institución organizadora:
International Association for the Study of the Commons
The results of the November 2015 (run-off) presidential elections in Argentina marked the beginning of a historic turning point. This shift can be seen as being symptomatic of a wider trend in the region; the move from progressive governments, which came to power in the early 2000s, to conservative administrations, with a resumption of neoliberal-sounding policies and interventions. Neoliberalism may be generally defined as an economic theory which favours a limited role for the state, emphasizing: the privatisation of public services; the cutting of government spending; selling off government-owned enterprises; a commitment to eliminating price controls on all commodities and services, including basic necessities; the role of the market in setting minimum wages; an end to restrictions on foreign ownership of domestic assets; and, severe cuts to public expenditure. This model contrasts sharply with the one implemented in Argentina during the Kirchner administration (2003-2015), where social welfare programs were expanded, wages and pensions were increased, university and research budgets rose significantly, pro-poor policies were in place and civil rights were increased. Since January 2016, at least 130,000 workers have lost their jobs, inflation rate exceeded salary improvements, public budgets were severely cut, and poverty and exclusion increased dramatically. This paper aims to explore current policy changes taking place in Argentina that focus on social welfare, rural development, science and technology, and environment, and how they impact the commons through social exclusion and increasing vulnerabilities. Both primary, based on semi-structured interviews with key informants, and secondary data are presented. The impact on commons management is illustrated using examples of rural development projects that began under the previous administration and are now at risk because of this paradigm shift.