congresos y reuniones científicas
Las OMICAs como herramientas para la detección de efectos adversos. Mesa redonda: Ecotoxicología Métodos alternativos con peces como modelo experimental
Buenos Aires
Congreso; III Congreso Latinoamericano de Métodos Alternativos al Uso de Animales de Experimentación en Educación, Investigación e Industria (COLAMA), Asociación Argentina de Ciencia y Tecnología de Animales de Laboratorio (AACyTAL) y ederación Sudamericana de Cien; 2018
Institución organizadora:
Asociación Argentina de Ciencia y Tecnología de Animales de Laboratorio (AACyTAL) y Federación Sudamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología de Animales de Laboratorio (FESSACAL)
Development of OMIC technologies has enabled the possibility of assessing the massive amount of data from the transcriptome, proteome or metabolome in response to exposure to environmental pollutants. These technologies have allowed to radically switch from the traditional target and hypothesis-driven analysis to non-target and discovery-driven analysis. In particular, several studies have demonstrated its power for biomarker discoveries, both from laboratory to field studies. Huge advances have been achieved in the last year regarding bioinformatics tools for data processing and metabolite identification, including web services and databases. However, differences in methodological setups, particularly in LC-MC/MC analysis, and standards cost and worldwide availability still pose a challenge for metabolite identification. In the present chapter the use metabolomics of biofluids as a none-destructive way for biomarkers discovery, and its application to field studies. The revision is done under the light of own and other?s experience, discussing strengths and debilities.