FUENTES Giselle Magali
congresos y reuniones científicas
Use of visual cues and learning ability in individuals of Milvago chimango (Aves: Falconidae) from environments with different level of urbanization.
Puerto Iguazú
Congreso; Congreso de Ornitología de las Américas; 2017
Institución organizadora:
Aves Argentinas en conjunto con la Association of Field Ornithologists (AFO) y Sociedade Brasileira de Ornitología (SBO).
Variations in environment structural complexity and in spatial and temporal resources availability can lead to behavioral differences between populations. The use of visual cues, such as color, is efficient for searching ephemeral resources. However, when resources are temporary or spatially stable, the use of spatial cues is more effective. Considering the urban environment as structurally more complex and temporally more stable than natural or rural ones, the objective of this work was analyze the influence of urbanization on learning ability and the use of visual cues. Adults of Milvago chimango from urban (n = 8), suburban (n = 10) and rural (n = 13) environments were compared. Birds were trained to search for food in presence of visual cues of color, position and a distractor. Also, it was expected that urban individuals tended to use more often spatial cues than rural individuals, whereas intermediate values were expected for suburban birds. Results indicated that the chimangos used visual cues in greater proportion compared to the distractor. It was also found that rural individuals tended to use with higher proportion the position cue than the suburban ones. In addition, urban and suburban chimangos used more often the color visual cues of than rural chimangos. These results contradict the initial predictions, suggesting the need of reconsider the assumptions about the characteristics of urban environments and its effect on the behavior mainly of those species associated with anthropic food resources.