ELIZALDE Silvia Lorena
congresos y reuniones científicas
"Obreras, travestis y prostitutas. La identidad y la experiencia de género en nuevas formas de lucha contra la exclusión en Argentina”
Medellín, Colombia
Otro; Encuentro de arte y ciudadanía: “Buenos Aires-Medellín se miran y se encuentran”; 2004
Institución organizadora:
Alcaldía de Medellín y Corporación Región
This piece looks at women´s and sexual diversity groups´ participation when they shape forms of organizing that put forth different practices against exclusion, repression and discrimination within the current hegemony crisis context, port-december 2001, in the areas of the City of Buenos Aires and the Great Buenos Aires. In order to convey so, I will briefly look at the history of other significative spaces for social and political organization constituted around gender issues in the 80´s.  Then this work will focus on analysing three experiences of struggle against oppression that emerged conditioned by neoliberal and reppressive politics applied by the State since the early 90´s; experiencies that blew up at the end of 2001. These experiences are the ones that follow: a) women workers that had jobs in a textile factory called Brukman and that struggled to keep their positions and to face the violence of being evicted; b) the inclusion of people and demands from LGTTTBI groups within the Woman, Gender and Sexual Diversity Commission the the National Workers Assembly (ANT); and c) the collective processes that women in state of prostitution –grouped in the Argentine Women for Human Rights Association- put out for dignifying their linving con conditions.