congresos y reuniones científicas
1;29 robertsonian translocation in Andalusian indigenous breeds cattle.
Congreso; 21th International Colloquium on animal cytogenetic and gene mapping; 2014
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First dates about the incidence of 1;29 robertsonian translocation in indigenous Andalusian cattle breed appeared in 1984 (Arruga and col. and Moreno Millán and col.) being detected since that moment in all breeds of spanish cattle. As a result of the policy established by some breed associations such as the Retinta Breed Association, along the years it has been observed that the incidence is, shall we say, very low compared to the original data obtained. Other associations are committed and have begun to apply the same policy in recent years, and it is possible to observe a slight decrease in the incidence and to expect an increase in fertility. In the present study we have studied cytogenetically 5,345 animals belonging most of them, 4,163 animals until now, to the Retinta breed and the rest to the different others breeds (De Lydia, Berrendo en Negro, Berrenda en Colorado, Pajuna, Negra Andaluza and Cárdena) being all of them indigenous from Andalucía. Regarding the Retinta breed, the systematic study began in 1989 showed that the incidence at that time was 32%, being today at around 6% after many years applying the policy. Regarding its fertility it was estimated in 1989 to be around 69 % and today it is estimated over 80%. Obviously this increase does not correspond only with the established policy in order to eliminate as reproducer the bull carrying the translocation in heterozygosis or homozygosis situation, but a whole complete actions inside the Official Selection Scheme established by the Ministry of Agriculture in which the mandatory cytogenetic analysis is. In the other breeds, all of them endangered, we have initiated the systematic study and the incidences obtained are 23.3 % in Berrendo en Colorado; 32.6% in Berrendo en Negro; 15.9 % in Cárdena; 19.4% in Negra Andaluza and 34.5 % in Pajuna, being the mean of all of them 24,1%. The exception was the incidence in De Lidia breed (Bullfighting breed) in which we observed 0% of incidence. In all of these breeds the Owner?s Associations have introduced the cytogenetic analysis to identify the carrier of 1;29 translocation animals and to avoid to be reproducers, obviously if there are enough animals to proceed. In the case in which the effective number of possible reproducers animals is very low to apply decision to remove the carrier animals is really dangerous. In this case the animals can be reproducer but all their offspring is analyzed in order to select as future reproducers those, males and females, who are not carriers. With these political decisions and as consequence of the high incidence of the translocation in these breeds we expect a significant increase in the fertility of females in the same way that in Retinta breed happened along the time. The fact that 1;29 translocation has not been detected in De Lidia breed is the result of a low number of animals analyzed (the Associations are not enough interested) and also could be due to the its special way to improve the breeding selection program that allows the translocation have not been able to find.