NAZARENO Monica Azucena
congresos y reuniones científicas
Cactus como fuente de sustancias promotoras de la salud
Termas de Rio Hondo, Santiago del Estero
Congreso; II Reunión sobre el Aprovechamiento Integral de la Tuna y otras cactáceas y I Reunión Sud Americana de la Cactusnet.; 2012
Institución organizadora:
>Cacti are very significant natural resources in arid and semiarid regions. They can be considered as multipurpose plants because not only provide fodder for livestock and human food but also they are good sources of medicines. These plants can be exploited in an integral manner since their fruits, stems or cladores, seeds and flowers can be used as a source of bioactive compounds. The different parts of the plant have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes in several countries, particularly in Latin America. Traditional and popular uses of cactus products for curative and therapeutic purposes are diverse. These properties, recognized by the ancient pre-Columbian civilizations, have gained great interest among the scientific community in recent years. Numerous investigations have revealed that cactus products are constituted by phytochemicals that can be considered natural medicines and to increase the added value of cactus products. Fiber, hydrocolloids, pigments, minerals and vitamins are some of the components found in cactus cladodes and fruits. Also, flowers and seeds have also bioactive constituents of nutraceutical interest. Despite significant progress has been made worldwide to scientifically demonstrate the functional and medicinal properties of cactus, it is still necessary to promote them and to encourage applications in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. It is also important to gain competitiveness in consumer preferences and market positioning against other traditional foods recognized as healthy. This crop is a very promising factor to promote local development through projects devoted to increase the added value of natural products, using them as functional foods, nutraceuticals and cosmetics.