ROSSO Silvana Beatriz
congresos y reuniones científicas
Axogenic effect of WNT-3a factor in cultured hippocampal neurons
Huerta Grande, Corodba, Argentina
Congreso; IRCN First Join Meeting of the Argentine Society for Neurosciences (SAN) and the Argentine Workshop in Neurosciences (TAN); 2009
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad Argentina de Neurociencia y Taller Argentino de Neurociencia
Neuronal development, from the establishment of neuronal polarity to axon guidance and maturation are controlled by a combination of an intrinsic program of gene expression and by extrinsic factors (such as Wnts, BMPs, IGF-1, BDNF, and NGF). Wnt factors are secreted signalling molecules implicated in important developmental processes, as embryonic patterning, tissue polarity and cell movement. Recent works have shown that Wnts also regulate neuronal maturation as they have been implicated in axon guidance, dendritogenesis and synapses formation. Wnts through Frizzled (Fz) receptor activate Dishevelled (DVL), a first effector. Wnt-DVL signalling can signal through three different pathways: the canonical or b-catenin pathway, the planar cell polarity pathway and the calcium pathway. In this work, we study the role of WNT-DVL signalling during neuronal differentiation, particularly during axon outgrowth and the establishment of neuronal polarity. Neurons cultured in the presence of Wnt3a or expressing DVL show multiple and more complex axons. Wnt3a seems to regulate axon formation through a non-canonical pathway and this effect is blocked by sFRP (a Wnt antagonist). Importantly, Wnt3a activates PI3K in neurons and in purified growth cones particles suggesting that Wnt3a may act through the same pathway as IGF-1 (previously defined as an essential for neuronal polarity). In addition, we found that Wnt3a cross-activates the receptor of IGF-1 in neurons and in growth cones and this effect is blocked by an IGF-1R blocking antibody. These findings suggest that Wnt proteins are essential for neuronal polarity and suggest a possible parallelism between the two signalling systems: Wnt-Fz-DVL and IGF-1-IGFR-PI3K on axon formation.