LUCIA Alejandro
congresos y reuniones científicas
Relevamiento de enfermedades e insectos perjudiciales del arbolado público de la ciudad de La Plata (Buenos Aires): Resultados preliminares. El camino hacía una guía ilustrada de difusión, reconocimiento y manejo
Congreso; 4to Congreso Forestal Argentino y Latinoamericano; 2013
Institución organizadora:
Organizado por el INTA, el gobierno de la provincia de Misiones y la AFOA.
Summary: The forest heritage of La Plata city is in sharp decline consequence, among others, of the lack of implementation and diffusion of management strategies to prevent or minimize the damage caused by insects and/or diseases. The development and implementation of a successful plant health management plan requires comprehensive knowledge of these harmful organisms and the alterations that cause, key information to achieve the diagnosis incipient and consequently the aforementioned purpose. There is background about the organism that affect the forest heritage of the city, and outdated information scattered mainly in regard to the manifestation of new or emerging problems as their ways of prevention and/or control. In addition, that information was generated in the field of science/academic being of limited availability to the people/agencies involved with this theme. Objective: to collect and update the background around the diseases and insect pests of public forest heritage of the La Plata city. The plant health problems referred to the wooded public of the city and other new were identified. The compilation of those results is the basis for the realization of an illustrated guide to enable citizens/entities involved with the leafy informed about the issues affecting them, identify and access the knowledge related to their forms of management, helping with the proper maintenance of the heritage public forest in pursuit of a better quality of life of the population. Key words: La Plata city, wooded public, pests, diseases, identification/diagnostic.