DROVETTA Raquel Irene
congresos y reuniones científicas
Self-managed abortion and legal abortion. Two sides of the same coin? Examining the case of Argentina
San Juan
Conferencia; Conferencia Anual Law and Society; 2023
Institución organizadora:
Law and Society
Self-managed abortion and legal abortion. Two sides of the same coin? Examining the case of ArgentinaProposalSelf-managed abortion and legal abortion. Two sides of the same coin? Examining the case of ArgentinaBetween 1969 and 1978 there were at least three successful experiences of feminist organizations that offered abortion services in clandestine contexts in cities in the United States (Jane, Chicago), France (Mouvement pour la Liberté de l'Avortement et de la Contraception - MLAC), and Italy (Movimento di Liberazione della Donna - MLD). With the enactment of laws legalizing and decriminalizing abortion in each country, the organizations ceased their operation. In Argentina, the organization Socorristas en Red has been operating since 2012, offering support and face-to-face accompaniment by feminist activists so that women perform self-managed abortions. Since 2021 in Argentina, the 27.610 Act allows voluntary and legal interruption of pregnancy and post-abortion care for all people with the capacity to gestate. However, the feminist organization continues to function and provide its services. How does an organization that accompanies self-managed abortion work in a territory where abortion is legal? What does the feminist organization think about the abortion service with feminist praxis? Can women choose to abort with feminists or in health institutions? What strategies does the organization have to continue existing? This research analyzes the strategies of the local organization to continue developing a collective and feminist practice while abortion is legal.