ROSSO Silvana Beatriz
congresos y reuniones científicas
Gait people with Parkinson´s disease: Comparison between community environment and dual task performance.
Mar del Plata
Congreso; Join Meeting SAIC, SAFIS, FAIC.; 2022
Institución organizadora:
Gait disorders in people with Parkinson's disease (PD) may be exacerbated byenvironmental demands and aggravated with the simultaneous performance ofanother task. The aims of this work were to evaluate how the communityenvironment affects walking of PD people and compare those observations witheffects caused by dual tasks performed in a clinical setting. Previously to carry outthe study, patients expressed their agreement through an informed consent formapproved by Biomedical Research Ethics Committee (IRB), Fundación Rosarinade Neurorehabilitación. PD patients (n = 26; age average 68.3 ± 9; disease length11.3 years; Hoehn & Yahr stages 1.5 - 3) without cognitive impairment were testedusing 10 Meter Walk Test (10MWT). Times to complete 10MWT and gait speedwere calculated. 10MWT was performed under three conditions: 1) inside the gymwhile simultaneously performing any cognitive task (reciting week days in reverse),2) inside the gym while simultaneously performing any motor task (carry a tray witha glass) and 3) in the community setting (in presence of several street distractors).All patients received training in the gym before 10MWT. Observations wereanalyzed by ANOVA comparing different groups. Results showed that thecommunity environment markedly affects the performance of PD patients sincechanges in time and velocity were observed after walking 10 meters on thesidewalk. However, these alterations were lower than those observed in patientsthat were evaluated while performing simultaneous tasks in controlledenvironment. Mean differences in 10MWT time (sec): -3.269 vs cognitive task (p <0.05) and -2.023 vs motor task (p < 0.05). Mean differences in 10MWT velocity(m/s): 0.122 vs cognitive task (p < 0.05) and 0.052 vs motor task. These findingsshowed that community setting affects walking speed and time required tocomplete the 10MWT in PD patients less than a dual task.