INFANTINO Julieta Lorena
congresos y reuniones científicas
Solidarity, organization and creativity among circus artists in Argentina.
Workshop; Circus 2021: adaptations and possibilities amid COVID-19; 2021
In this conference I analyse the consequences of the pandemic caused by covid 19 among circus communities. I highlight the activation of the collective, creative and solidarity organization. On the one hand, the organization of SOLIDARITY ACTIONS to distribute bags of food to the neediest artists was the first thing artists did to answer to the impossibility of work. Throughout the country, new groups emerged or old groups were strengthened that organized themselves to get food from community based networks or from state agencies and then distribute it to the most needed circus families. On the other hand, this activation of the collective organization in the world of the circus was reflected in groups that generated links and alliances to make visible and value the circus and its historical needs and demands. New groups, civil associations, networks emerged and some of those that already existed were strengthened. I analyse how collective political organization emerges and shows the State and the Society who the circus artists are and what are their problems. Although the disputes between different styles and ways of doing circus did not disappear, they were diluted and new bridges were built, new ways of thinking the diverse as a whole.