NADER Maria Elena Fatima
congresos y reuniones científicas
Conferencia: Probiotic for prevention of reproductive diseases in cattle
Jornada; XXVIII Reunión Científica Anual 2010 de la Sociedad de Biología de Cuyo.; 2010
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad de Biologia de Cuyo
PROBIOTICS FOR PREVENTION OF REPRODUCTIVE DISEASES IN CATTLE M.C. Otero1,2 and M.E. Nader-Macías1. 1CERELA-CONICET. 2UNT. Tucumán, Argentina. E-mail: Infectious metritis is one of the main causes of infertility in postpartum cows. They increase the calving interval from?????first recorded estrous and the rate of services to conception. These situations reduce the reproductive performance in the dairy herd. Postpartum metritis is associated with an unbalanced microbiota in the reproductive tract with prevalence of those microorganisms recognized as pathogens and potentially pathogens (Ac. pyogenes, E. coli, F. necrophorum and B. melaninogenicus, etc) creo que tenes que poner complete el nombre de los m.o.. In these cases the conventional therapies include the administration of hormones or antibiotics, with some disadvantages that include their high costs, the appearance of antibiotic residues in milk (which must be discarded affecting the milk yield) and the increased resistance of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs. Furthermore, they resolve the infection but not improve the fertility of the treated cows. Moreover, the FAO/OMS guidelines limit the application of these veterinary drugs in animals for the production of foods. For the cited reasons, there is a wide interest to apply alternative therapies. The main objective of our research  is the design of a veterinarian probiotic (live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the animal) for the reestablishement of the indigenousmicrobiota of the bovine reproductive tract. In this way, these  populations could  promote the beneficial effects and prevent the income or colonization of potentially pathogenic microorganisms responsible of  infections in uterus. Based on the species-specificities of the indigenous microbiota, the isolation and genetical identification of authoctonous microorganisms from healthy cows vagina was performed. Later, the characterization of their beneficial properties associated with the colonization ability (surface properties and adhesion) and inhibitory activity against bovine pathogens, allowed the selection of the better strains as candidates for their inclusion in a veterinary product. Also, the physiological and technological properties were evaluated to predict the stability of the beneficial microorganisms in the pharmaceutical forms and in the animal tract conditions. The application of this probiotic in herds will improve their productivity, health status and welfare of animals and will allow advancing in the production of safe foods from animal origin.