CAIVANO Jose Luis Ricardo
capítulos de libros
Chromatic synesthesias: Effects of color on the perception of different sensorial continua
AIC 2008, Colour Effects & Affects, Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the International Color Association
Swedish Colour Centre Foundation / Scandinavian Colour Institute,
Lugar: Estocolmo; Año: 2008; p. 1 - 4
The associations among different senses are known as synesthesia. This is produced when stimuli received trough a certain sensory channel are perceived and interpreted as sensations of another kind. The most usual transpositions involve vision and hearing, but also taste, smell and touch. A good deal of theoreticians from the fields of psychology of perception and psychophysics have developed order systems for the stimuli or sensations affecting the five basic channels through which humans perceive and process information from the environment. Among these, color order systems are the best known. There are also models that organize visual textures, spatial shapes, and non-visual sensory continua: sounds, tactile sensations, tastes and odors. The aim of this paper is to address the concept of synesthesia, to present a survey of some models that organize sensory continua and, from their comparison, speculate about the way synesthetic transpositions that involve vision are produced.