MAGNIN Lucia Angelica
capítulos de libros
Búsqueda de patrones en el emplazamiento de enterratorios humanos en el Macizo Central del Deseado. Aplicación de análisis de visibilidad (SIG)
Arqueología de Patagonia: una mirada desde el último confín
Lugar: Ushuaia; Año: 2009; p. 1045 - 1060
During the fieldwork performed in 2008 ten funerary structures (chenques) were registered in the northern sector of Santa Cruz Central Massif, Argentina and were added to the twelve previously known. This new evidence motivated a research oriented to the detection and description of location patterns. In this paper, aspects particularly related to visibility from chenques were considered. This goal was accomplished by the use of GIS (geographic information systems) and statistic analysis. The main observed patterns are: 1) funerary structures are located in landscape points that offer viewsheds which are relatively wide; 2) the high terrains in estancias (ranches) La Lotita, La Virginia, La Primavera, Bajo Grande and Ingeniero Muerto at Las Mercedes locality can be simultaneously seen from the funerary structures; and 3) there is an intervisibility pattern between the funerary structures which has not been observed during previous fieldwork. These patterns obtained are only preliminary results which will be further studied in future research.