OUBIÑA David Leonardo
capítulos de libros
Building at the Margins. Trajectories of New Independent Cinema in Latin America
The Film Edge. Contemporary Filmmaking in Latin America
Teseo / TyPA
Lugar: Capital Federal; Año: 2010; p. 33 - 45
In Latin America, the program of independent cinema was often associated with the assertion of national identity, on the one hand, and an aesthetic of rupture and alternatives modes of production on the other. Due to its base-level idustrial requirements, cinema tends to spread first through more economically developed societies. For this reason, the emergence of national cinema in Latin America meant the beginning o a process that should have led to a new system of movie production and circulation. In our societies, sometimes the filmmaker represents modern art par excellence at the periphery of its mainstream industrial applications. And this is so because he seems to operate under the sign of critical and transformative elements. Rather than the cliché of the death of cinema, one can think in terms of the dawning of a new age for the image. (El texto es la traducción de un ensayo previamente publicado en la versión castellana de este libro. Véase Oubiña, David, Construcción sobre los márgenes: itinerarios del nuevo cine independiente en Latinoamérica, en Eduardo Ruso (ed.), Hacer cine. Producción audiovisual en América Latina, Fundación TyPA / Paidós, Buenos Aires, 2008.)