ACUTO Felix Alejandro
capítulos de libros
印加人和 帝国四方之地
交物出版社 (Editorial Jiaowu)
Lugar: Beijin; Año: 2023; p. 238 - 246
以下五个话题引起了对古代国家和帝国感兴趣的人的注意:1. 古代国家是如何出现的?其原因是什么?2. 他们为什么向其他领土扩张?3.他们采用什么策略征服和占领不同的土地,控制当地的臣民?4. 他们的统治是如何合法化的?5.国家和帝国为什么会瓦解?在本章中,我将讨论其中一些问题,首先分析是什么促使印加人 (Inkas)离开他们在库斯科山谷(Cusco Vally)的文明发源地去征服和殖民不同的地区和民族;其次,分析这个来自秘鲁(Peruvian)中南部高地相对较小的政体是如何在众多政体中一次又一次地扩张领土,最终成了前西班牙(pre-Hispanic)时期甚至是全世界最大的帝国之一。要研究以上问题,最重要的是探讨印加人征服、控制、组织和管理不同的民族和土地时所使用的策略。考虑到没有一个古代帝国能够仅凭武力和镇压来维持其统治,因此我们需要了解印加人是如何使其殖民统治合法化的。Five topics have drawn the attention of students of ancient states and empires: 1. How and why ancient states emerged; 2. Why they expanded to other territories; 3. What strategies they deployed to conquer and occupy different lands and to control their subjects; 4. How domination was justified and legitimized; and 5. Why states and empires collapsed. In this chapter, I discuss some of these questions, analyzing, first, what motivated the Inkas to go beyond the cradle of their civilization in the Cusco Valley to conquer and colonize a variety of regions and peoples, and second, how a relatively small polity from the south-central Peruvian highlands, one among many others, managed to expand its territory once and again to become the largest pre-Hispanic empire and one of the largest ancient empires of the world. To examine this, it is paramount to explore what strategies the Inkas used to subjugate, control, organize, and administer different peoples and lands, but especially, and considering that no ancient empire was able to sustain its domination based solely on the use of force and repression, we need to understand how the Inkas convinced the colonized that their ruling was legitimate.