Export of amino acids to the phloem in relation to N supply in wheat plants.
Año: 1997 vol. 101 p. 853 - 860
The effect of different N supply on the amino acid export to the phloem was studied in young plants of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Klein Chamaco), using the exudation in EDTA technique. Plants were grown in a growth cabinet in pots with sand, and supplied with nutrient solutions of different NO3- concentrations. When plants were grown for 15 days with nutrient solutions containing 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 or 20.0 mM KNO3, the exudation rate of sugars from the phloem was unaffected by N supply, but sugars accumulated in the leaf tissue when the N supply was limiting for growth. On the other hand, the rate of exudation of amino acids, was proportional to the NO3- concentration in the nutrient solution. When the supply of N to plants grown for 15 days with 15.0 mM NO3- was interrupted, the exudation of sugars was again unaffected, but there was a fast decrease in the amount of amino acids exudated, and of the concentration of amino acids and nitrogen in the tissues. Also, when 10 day-old plants grown without N were supplied with 15.0 mM NO3-, there was a sharp increase in the exudation of amino acids, without changes in the amount of sugar exudated. The rate of exudation of amino acids to the phloem was independent of the concentration of free amino acids in the leaves in all three experiments. Asp was the most abundant amino acid in the leaf tissue, while Glu was the most abundant in the phloem exudate. Asp and Ala were exported to the phloem at a rate lower than expected from their leaf tissue concentrations, indicating some discrimination. On the contrary, Glu showed a preferential export at low N supply. It is concluded that the rate of amino acid export from the leaf to the phloem is dependent on the N available to the plant. This N is used for synthesis of leaf protein when the supply is low, exported to the phloem when supply is adequate, and accumulated in the storage pool when supply is above plant demand.